After writing the blog post about HeroQuest I hunted around on Twitter and the like and found someone in Dundee talking about it – he has written a series of posts pimping his painting skills – Parts (1), (2), (3), (4).
I then took a trip up to the parents house to enjoy some of the weather instead of sitting indoors on the internet or playing games (nerdpoints–). Digging around in the attic for some old toys for my nephew (he’s not old enough for He-Man or Action Men yet, but soon) I found some random stuff. Looking in old room with niece for some other cool stuff I spotted something out the corner of my eye. It was another HeroQuest box. I have 3 copies of the second release where I only remember buying 2. It also contained a copy of WitchLord so I have 3 of that expansion. A couple of days later I did an audit and managed to check which sets were complete and complete Deks (missing a door and had some broken figures). Alzo will get his set checked at some point so hopefully we will all have at least one complete set.
Tags: Hero Quest, HeroQuest