Jan 14

This week in Gaming

Well this week was less gamey than I expected mainly due to hitting this blog repeatedly trying to fix the white screen of death.

Wednesday 8th January 2014

It was Cerberus games night and I got through some games of Braggart, No Thanks!, Love Letter and Zombie Fluxx.

Thursday 9th January 2014

Constructed Standard Magic at Highlander. After doing really well with my deck before Christmas I got a run of bad luck, total mana screw and ended up 2-2. Won mirror. Lost mirror against Ferg 2-1 (final game we were both at 1 life top-decking). Lost 2-1 to white wheenie after forgetting about their pro-colour spell and not killing something when he was tapped out. Won final game against Control.

This guy was always late to the party

This guy was always late to the party

Friday 10th January 2014

Constructed Standard Magic at Major Arcana, got absolutely smashed due to mulling to 5 repeatedly and then getting mana screwed. Final game against Colin though was hilarious. He mulled to 5 and I had 2 Thoughtseize in hand. I kindly left him a Rakdos and nothing to hurt me with. Game two went the same, we were next to the finalists and probably put them off with our tears of laughter.

I could show up but it's more fun to hide in Alan's library

I could show up but it’s more fun to hide in Alan’s library

Saturday 11th January 2014

No gaming today, instead we had a Game of Thrones marathon at Alzos. Totally pumped up for next season now, again.

Sunday 12th January 2014

Read Saga volume 1, fantastic wee graphic novel from Alzo. I had missed this when it started, if I knew the writer I would have definitely picked it up.

Monday 13th January 2014

Not much nerdy shenanigans, just some Wallabee and internet Not-Scrabble.

Tuesday 14th January 2014

Finished the week with a bit of X-Com and a bit of Pratchetts Long War

How have you spent this week in gaming and what are you playing next week?

Nov 12

Cerberus Casual Card Club

For a few months now we have had an idea in our head for hosting a board/card game night at Cerberus bar in Dundee. It’s our local and the licensee was saying he was looking for some ideas for midweek nights when it’s a bit quieter.

For a variety of reasons we hadn’t got round to it yet. Then on the Facebook page of Major Arcana someone asked about casual gaming in Dundee. Hesitant to invite someone we had never met to a house I queried when everyone was free. Checked with the bar and booked the Wednesday night for gaming.

We had to arrive a bit early and grab the few rectangular tables for the gaming (2 together for bigger games). Slowly people started to trickle in including some faces we didn’t know.

In the end about 10 people played a variety of games including Carcassonne, Cthulhu Fluxx, Fluxx, Last Night on Earth, Munchkin, Star Fluxx and Zombie Fluxx.

The bar were quite happy and said we could use it on Wednesdays.

We then ran a second night and had fifteen people there including more new faces. New games included Magic: the Gathering, Munchkin Bites, Settlers of Catan, Small World, Tsuro and Zombie Munchkin.

So right now we are sorting things out a week in advance – in case of gigs, or other festive events coming up in the next month. But expect to be running something at least once a fortnight if we slip back from weekly.

So, if you are in the Dundee area on Wednesday nights and fancy a bit of gaming check out Cerberus Casual Card Club to check we do have something on that night and pop in to play some games.

More importantly – bring along some game you have and introduce some new people to it.

Nov 12

Major Arcana – New Shop in Dundee

A couple of weeks ago a new geek emporium opened in Dundee called Major Arcana.

We were excited and took a trip down. It’s in Exchange Street, the former location of Bike Worx. A fresh lick of paint and it looks like a really nice space.

Some tables for gaming. A range of board such as Small World, Descent 2nd Edition and Last Night on Earth and card games including a full set of Fluxx and of course Magic. The RPG selection included some nice games and a Buffy Revised Core Rulebook (the only Buffy RPG book Alan G is missing so it’ll be being bought at some point). The tabletop games included Warmachine, Hordes, Malifaux and Urban War.

So basically the stuff that’s non Games Workshop which gets really good reviews on podcasts and the like.

They also had a range of t-shirts and cups and graphic novels and Manga. The selection was a bit thin but we put that down to it just opening. I can certainly see the JoyStuck crew spending some time and money there in the near future.